Friends to lovers—it’s one of my favorite plot devices. I like reading Friends to Lovers stories and enjoy writing them. I love being able to jump straight into an intimate situation in the first few pages of a book. The characters are familiar with each other and have a history together. They might not realize they’re even attracted to each other until one pivotal moment that changes everything, or one of them might have developed feelings for the other over a period of time, agonizing about acting on them.
A relationship like this comes with problems: does the couple want this to be a one-time thing or do they want to play for keeps? What happens if the sex between them is so bad they destroy their friendship forever? Or what if one of the pair doesn’t feel the same way?
Yes, moving from friends to lovers is fraught with dilemmas for both parties.
In Lovers at Last Pearl and Justin are best friends. When Pearl’s current relationship fails, she seeks out Justin for comfort. Justin, who has wanted Pearl for a long time, decides it’s time to stake his claim.
Here’s the blurb:
Pearl’s master plan to catch a rich husband—results so far…A for effort, F for success.
Justin Collet wants way more than friendship from Pearl. He craves love, laughter and hot, down-and-dirty passion. A life partner. All he needs to do is convince Pearl.
A broken relationship, a few drinks and a string of pearls. Comforting Pearl takes a turn into carnal territory. Heat blossoms between them, fiery and consuming. Sweet kisses inflame and erotic whispers tempt. It’s all or nothing for Justin as he seduces Pearl into agreeing they’re lovers at last.
Where did you get the idea for your latest book?
Lovers at Last is part of Ellora’s Cave Gemstone series and is a pearl story. The pearls play a large part in the story and bring the hero and heroine together. I took one of my favorite plots, that of friends and lovers, added in the pearls and came up with a couple who knew each other well. The first scene popped into my head and the story came from there.
What makes a hero for you? Do you see them on the street, or are they simply in your head?
In short, my heroes come from my imagination rather than a real person. I have a liking for tall and dark heroes and usually start off with those two characteristics, although I have written a few blond heroes. Most of my heroes also seem to be on the alpha side and are heroic in the sense that they never abuse their position and bully those weaker than themselves.
What’s your writing schedule like?
I write full time and treat my writing like an office job, working set hours. I set myself a writing target for each day and also fit in promo and other writing related activities such as blogging, correspondence and maintaining my website. I think I work harder now than I ever used to!
What does your writing space look like?
In a word—messy! I do try to tidy up a little between books but while I’m writing I like to keep my reference books and notes, my dictionary and thesaurus close at hand. I also have a pile of promo related stuff on my desk and of course, I can’t get by without my calendar that lists my schedule for the month.
And the most important question: What’s your favorite snack or beverage while you’re hard at work?
I don’t usually snack or drink while writing, not when I’m in the zone. If I’m procrastinating I find myself making cups of tea all the time, but otherwise I’m write for several hours and make myself a cup of tea or coffee while I take a break.
Adventure into Romance
with Shelley Munro
Thanks Shelley! Below are some links to find out more about this talented author!
website: http://www.shelleymunro.com
blog: http://www.shelleymunro.com/blog
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/shelleymunro
Dynamic Trio: http://www.dynamicthree.com
Danger Zone: http://www.dangerzoneauthors.com
Buy book: http://www.ellorascave.com/AuthorsBooks.asp?AuthorCode=SMu
Excerpt: http://www.shelleymunro.com/books/lovers-at-last
Thanks, Erika!
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