I'm writing my post on Monday evening as we have a trip planned to the eighth level of hell tomorrow. Where is that, you ask? Chuck E. Cheese's, of course.
As the weather gets warmer, I'm instituting a new Tuesday rule in our house.
No TV Tuesday.
We'll see how long I can survive without the boob tube for kid anesthesia.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spring into Spring with an Easter Egg Hunt!

Spring is in the air and we invite you to join us on an Easter egg hunt.
You can find complete information here: http://www.longandshortreviews.com/promo.htm
There are a total of TEN sets of prizes shared between the sites - and prizes include: $25 Amazon or BN.com Gift Certificate, publisher GCs, eBooks, autographed books, tote bags, Easter baskets filled with goodies, T-Shirts so much more!
It's easy to enter. Each of our author sponsors has hidden an egg on their site -- you earn one entry for every egg you find!
I've donated a $10 gift certificate from Lyrical Press. So, hop on over and start collecting those eggs! Good luck!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Too True Tuesday
Essie, the Accidental Mommy, didn't do a too true Tuesday challenge this week. So, I'm pretty much on my own. Hmmmm...
Today's will be an easy one.
My favorite flavor of M&Ms (especially the speckled Easter egg-shaped ones)is....Peanut Butter!
Today's will be an easy one.
My favorite flavor of M&Ms (especially the speckled Easter egg-shaped ones)is....Peanut Butter!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mystical, Magical Monday
Have you ever spent THREE WHOLE HOURS in Target? We did, yesterday. That's what we get for doing a family shopping trip. Everyone needed things (okay, I just *wanted* colored filed folders for my writing stuff) but Drama Teen needed new tennis shoes, Kinderboys needed new socks (theirs are always in holes), even hubby was shopping for a calendar/planner. He's picky and frugal (C-H-E-A-P, that spells frugal). He found a Franklin Covey planner that *might* be just perfect, but...it's $130 (I don't blame him, I don't think I'd spend that much money on a calendar). The $20 planners at Target/Staples/Walmart/Online have been calling for him to do some comparisons. So, we spent some time in the office supplies and then just meandered through the store enjoying our popcorn, sodas and together time. There were no temper tantrums, no fits, no....nothing. It was wonderful!
I spent most of the weekend not writing but doing craft-improving things...reading, reading, and more reading. Most of the reading was focused on writing-related articles; however, I took out a little time to enjoy Plum Spooky, by Janet Evanovich. Research, I tell you. It's all research!
After having had ill people in the house for a total of four weeks and being ill myself for almost two weeks of that time, the sun came out a couple of days ago and I think it's here to stay! Wahoo! I woke up still a little pink around the edges of my eyes but tossed in my contact lenses anyway. Then, despite the fact that I didn't want to, I went for a walk. Not my 2-mile version, but put in a little over a mile and am feeling darn spunky.
With that...I'm off to write. I have 14K to pound out in 9 days. I think I can, I think I can (even with spring break fast approaching)...then, I'm gonna print off my historical romance (working title Nevermore) and take it camping with me. I plan on editing the historical while the Big Cat shifter "cooks", the same way Nevermore has been simmering. This method is just an experiment on my part...I'm honestly not sure this is the way I *can* write, as my historical novel keeps bumping elbows with the shifter story in my mind (picture two kids in the backseat of the car shrieking "he touched me" and "he looked at me funny" at inconvenient times). I may end up being a one-story-at-a-time kind of gal. Which is okay too. Because you know there's only one rule a writer has to follow and that is:
To Write!
I spent most of the weekend not writing but doing craft-improving things...reading, reading, and more reading. Most of the reading was focused on writing-related articles; however, I took out a little time to enjoy Plum Spooky, by Janet Evanovich. Research, I tell you. It's all research!
After having had ill people in the house for a total of four weeks and being ill myself for almost two weeks of that time, the sun came out a couple of days ago and I think it's here to stay! Wahoo! I woke up still a little pink around the edges of my eyes but tossed in my contact lenses anyway. Then, despite the fact that I didn't want to, I went for a walk. Not my 2-mile version, but put in a little over a mile and am feeling darn spunky.
With that...I'm off to write. I have 14K to pound out in 9 days. I think I can, I think I can (even with spring break fast approaching)...then, I'm gonna print off my historical romance (working title Nevermore) and take it camping with me. I plan on editing the historical while the Big Cat shifter "cooks", the same way Nevermore has been simmering. This method is just an experiment on my part...I'm honestly not sure this is the way I *can* write, as my historical novel keeps bumping elbows with the shifter story in my mind (picture two kids in the backseat of the car shrieking "he touched me" and "he looked at me funny" at inconvenient times). I may end up being a one-story-at-a-time kind of gal. Which is okay too. Because you know there's only one rule a writer has to follow and that is:
To Write!
Friday, March 19, 2010
TGI Friday Update
I've got five minutes to blog before I have to dash to the high school to pick up Drama Teen. The rest of the afternoon will be spent waiting for the arrival of the ice cream truck, which, quite honestly, is about all I can muster the energy for.
I'm almost well again, except for my eyes. Being nearly blind, I hate wearing glasses. I've worn contacts since I was 16...so to be sentenced to wearing frames on my face for a week has been miserable. I'm not vain, but I feel downright dowdy and old in glasses.
Spring has sprung here in the High Desert. Night time temperatures have been in the high 30's and daytime temps have hit the upper 70s. Gorgeous sunlight! I'm excited to be able to tote my Alphasmart out to the patio and write in the evenings. Especially since Mr. Wonderful has been taking the boys out to ride their bicycles after dinner.
I've been doing the happy dance all week as I got an offer from for one of my books. I'll make a full announcement when I have a few more details about the when and where to share.
Now, I have to get back to writing the Big Cat shifter I'm striving to have written by the end of the month. In April, I will start hitting edits for my historical romance -- I'm hoping to start shopping it around in May. I'm hoping that by alternating writing and editing, it will give me a little more distance from the book and help me be a bit more ruthless in editing.
I'm almost well again, except for my eyes. Being nearly blind, I hate wearing glasses. I've worn contacts since I was 16...so to be sentenced to wearing frames on my face for a week has been miserable. I'm not vain, but I feel downright dowdy and old in glasses.
Spring has sprung here in the High Desert. Night time temperatures have been in the high 30's and daytime temps have hit the upper 70s. Gorgeous sunlight! I'm excited to be able to tote my Alphasmart out to the patio and write in the evenings. Especially since Mr. Wonderful has been taking the boys out to ride their bicycles after dinner.
I've been doing the happy dance all week as I got an offer from for one of my books. I'll make a full announcement when I have a few more details about the when and where to share.
Now, I have to get back to writing the Big Cat shifter I'm striving to have written by the end of the month. In April, I will start hitting edits for my historical romance -- I'm hoping to start shopping it around in May. I'm hoping that by alternating writing and editing, it will give me a little more distance from the book and help me be a bit more ruthless in editing.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Too True Tuesday
Yep, I know you've been anxiously waiting for this post. Essie over at the Accidental Mommy has thrown out the gauntlet again this week to 'fess up to our secret indulgences...those things you would give up everything except chocolate to have. In fact, in order to keep these two things, I'd seriously consider going to boot camp.
Diet Pepsi. I was never a coffee drinker, but in college, developed a strong addiction to soft drinks. Then, I went to work for Frito-Lay for 5 years. The result, I simply cannot live without Diet Pepsi. When we went to Guatemala to pick up the boys, I had to subsist on Diet Coke. I lived...barely. Our trips to Canada and Sweden introduced me to Pepsi Light. I'm just hoping that if we troop off to Egypt next year that they, too, will have unlimited sugar-free Pepsi products for my consumption. If not...well, I won't NOT go, but I'll be grouchy until I get my hands around an ice cold can...
The next is books. Books, books, more books. Yes, it's true, I have heard that there are places they call libraries where I can pick up books to read for free. And I do...but honestly, they never have the exact titles I want when I want them. B&N.com, Amazon.com...one click of the mouse and voila, I can have books sent to the house. Even better, e-books. One click of the mouse and "poof", they are right there for my eager eyes to devour.
Heaven is a Diet Pepsi and a book.
What about you? What's your secret indulgence? 'Fess up, you know you want to.
Diet Pepsi. I was never a coffee drinker, but in college, developed a strong addiction to soft drinks. Then, I went to work for Frito-Lay for 5 years. The result, I simply cannot live without Diet Pepsi. When we went to Guatemala to pick up the boys, I had to subsist on Diet Coke. I lived...barely. Our trips to Canada and Sweden introduced me to Pepsi Light. I'm just hoping that if we troop off to Egypt next year that they, too, will have unlimited sugar-free Pepsi products for my consumption. If not...well, I won't NOT go, but I'll be grouchy until I get my hands around an ice cold can...
The next is books. Books, books, more books. Yes, it's true, I have heard that there are places they call libraries where I can pick up books to read for free. And I do...but honestly, they never have the exact titles I want when I want them. B&N.com, Amazon.com...one click of the mouse and voila, I can have books sent to the house. Even better, e-books. One click of the mouse and "poof", they are right there for my eager eyes to devour.
Heaven is a Diet Pepsi and a book.
What about you? What's your secret indulgence? 'Fess up, you know you want to.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Pretty in Pink
Got up this morning to pandemonium. Drama Teen got herself up, hurraye, hurraye. Kinderboy #2 awoke complaining of a sore throat. A glance at his tonsils determined that he needed another trip to the Dr. Unfortunately, having just come off antibiotics, they weren't willing to dish out any more to him. So, grape chloroseptic for kids it is. He was home all day (can you hear the despair in my typing?).
I'm bright-eyed...unfortunately, my eyes are bright PINK. Yep. So, I, too, went to the doctor to get eye drops. No sign of improvement yet...hopefully by morning (fingers crossed).
The case of the gift has gotten more complex, convoluted, and confusing. I figure my daughter will be lucky if ANYTHING arrives for her. Supposedly Ex- canceled the gift to be delivered today, then, told me that UPS called for an address...so does that mean it's back on??? And the replacement gift that he purchased (because the first one was canceled) was supposed to just be a gift card (to arrive in the mail), but he supposedly canceled that as well and bought her a Jr. Drum Set (we suspect the first gift is a Jr. Drum Set as well). The problem...Drama Teen is 16 years old and the Jr. Drum Sets are geared toward children 10 and under. Hmmmm.... even if the gifts do get here (I'm not holding my breath), they won't be age appropriate. Thankfully, she's taken this in stride and doesn't seem too bothered one way or the other).
Drama Teen has a good heart...she was concerned for the Ex- and his wife that they were spending money they didn't have. So she convinced Mr. Wonderful to give the caged cobra (Ex-'s wife) a call to make sure she was cognizant of all the $ being spent on gifts, as from her experience, there was often a lack of communication that resulted in fighting over expenditures. For the heads up, Mr. Wonderful got an earful of spite and was told to mind his own business. Luckily, he, too, took all of that in stride.
The best part of the situation...it's all MY fault. I'm just amazed that without any effort at all on my part, I can screw up things 2000 miles away. Am I good or am I GOOD?
I'm bright-eyed...unfortunately, my eyes are bright PINK. Yep. So, I, too, went to the doctor to get eye drops. No sign of improvement yet...hopefully by morning (fingers crossed).
The case of the gift has gotten more complex, convoluted, and confusing. I figure my daughter will be lucky if ANYTHING arrives for her. Supposedly Ex- canceled the gift to be delivered today, then, told me that UPS called for an address...so does that mean it's back on??? And the replacement gift that he purchased (because the first one was canceled) was supposed to just be a gift card (to arrive in the mail), but he supposedly canceled that as well and bought her a Jr. Drum Set (we suspect the first gift is a Jr. Drum Set as well). The problem...Drama Teen is 16 years old and the Jr. Drum Sets are geared toward children 10 and under. Hmmmm.... even if the gifts do get here (I'm not holding my breath), they won't be age appropriate. Thankfully, she's taken this in stride and doesn't seem too bothered one way or the other).
Drama Teen has a good heart...she was concerned for the Ex- and his wife that they were spending money they didn't have. So she convinced Mr. Wonderful to give the caged cobra (Ex-'s wife) a call to make sure she was cognizant of all the $ being spent on gifts, as from her experience, there was often a lack of communication that resulted in fighting over expenditures. For the heads up, Mr. Wonderful got an earful of spite and was told to mind his own business. Luckily, he, too, took all of that in stride.
The best part of the situation...it's all MY fault. I'm just amazed that without any effort at all on my part, I can screw up things 2000 miles away. Am I good or am I GOOD?
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Attack of the Virus and/or Dismal Word Counts
Despite this being week 2 of sickness, only one person in the family seems to have fully recovered. That's the child who brought it home and gave it to everyone. Doesn't seem fair, does it?
As a result, everyone has been dragging, sniffling, coughing, sneezing, medicating, coughing some more... I had the Lysol spray out this morning treating doorknobs and other surfaces, hoping to kill off some of those germs. I figure anything will help.
My word count has been dismal. I'm participating in the write a book in a month challenge hosted by Deanna Lee at Cobblestone Press. Luckily I'm just writing a tryst. I'm 3400 words into a 15K novella. If I can stop coughing and/or blowing my nose, I should be able to spit out 12K more by the 31st.
Writer's are people too...we all have lives outside of the books we write, some lives may be idyllic and some fraught with pitfalls. My major pain in the butt is an ex-husband. Drama Teen is the child from that union...I've posted her a little about her troubles with her bio dad and his new wife. For the past 1.5 years, things have been more than a little rocky with them. Just this past week, I made an appointment with an attorney to see what needs to be done to clarify some of the child custody terms and make them more favorable to our sixteen year old daughter being able to make the decision of when and where to see him.
I wrote a huge open letter to him this morning, just to get a few things out in the open. I probably won't ever mail it. He doesn't have "the time" to read "drivel" from me, and honestly, I just needed to get the words on paper so they were no longer jumping around in my head, competing for attention with my WIP. However, I thought this last part was simply too witty (and true) for it to go to waste. So, for your entertainment, I'll post it here...
To my ex-husband --
You have called for the past two mornings, not to talk to our daughter but to ask ME a favor. What about the word EX-WIFE do you not understand? What burns me the most is NOT you trying to charm our daughter with flowers and gifts. Hell, I expect that. However, did you HONESTLY think I was going to be an accomplice in getting you back into our daughter's good graces? You screwed up the relationship, you need to make it right.
So, you mailed her a package and put the wrong address on it? Do you HONESTLY think I'm going to fix the problem to make YOU, the looser dead beat ex-husband, look like a hero? SNORT. I don't think so!
UPDATE: The story gets EVEN better. When he first called yesterday, the Ex- reeled off the tracking number to Mr. Wonderful who scrawled it down on a post-it note. After we discussed our non-action on the issue, we discarded the post-it (trash pickup was about 9 am this morning). About noon today, I get another call from the ex-. He needs the routing number of the gift HE SENT through UPS so that he can change the delivery address. Could we please let him know what it is? WTF!?! You ordered it...why don't you have the tracking number? Repeat, what about EX-WIFE do you not understand????
Now, in case you're wondering, this man, my ex-, will be 50 years old in a few weeks. A half a century of ineptitude. Where is Darwin when you need him?
As a result, everyone has been dragging, sniffling, coughing, sneezing, medicating, coughing some more... I had the Lysol spray out this morning treating doorknobs and other surfaces, hoping to kill off some of those germs. I figure anything will help.
My word count has been dismal. I'm participating in the write a book in a month challenge hosted by Deanna Lee at Cobblestone Press. Luckily I'm just writing a tryst. I'm 3400 words into a 15K novella. If I can stop coughing and/or blowing my nose, I should be able to spit out 12K more by the 31st.
Writer's are people too...we all have lives outside of the books we write, some lives may be idyllic and some fraught with pitfalls. My major pain in the butt is an ex-husband. Drama Teen is the child from that union...I've posted her a little about her troubles with her bio dad and his new wife. For the past 1.5 years, things have been more than a little rocky with them. Just this past week, I made an appointment with an attorney to see what needs to be done to clarify some of the child custody terms and make them more favorable to our sixteen year old daughter being able to make the decision of when and where to see him.
I wrote a huge open letter to him this morning, just to get a few things out in the open. I probably won't ever mail it. He doesn't have "the time" to read "drivel" from me, and honestly, I just needed to get the words on paper so they were no longer jumping around in my head, competing for attention with my WIP. However, I thought this last part was simply too witty (and true) for it to go to waste. So, for your entertainment, I'll post it here...
To my ex-husband --
You have called for the past two mornings, not to talk to our daughter but to ask ME a favor. What about the word EX-WIFE do you not understand? What burns me the most is NOT you trying to charm our daughter with flowers and gifts. Hell, I expect that. However, did you HONESTLY think I was going to be an accomplice in getting you back into our daughter's good graces? You screwed up the relationship, you need to make it right.
So, you mailed her a package and put the wrong address on it? Do you HONESTLY think I'm going to fix the problem to make YOU, the looser dead beat ex-husband, look like a hero? SNORT. I don't think so!
UPDATE: The story gets EVEN better. When he first called yesterday, the Ex- reeled off the tracking number to Mr. Wonderful who scrawled it down on a post-it note. After we discussed our non-action on the issue, we discarded the post-it (trash pickup was about 9 am this morning). About noon today, I get another call from the ex-. He needs the routing number of the gift HE SENT through UPS so that he can change the delivery address. Could we please let him know what it is? WTF!?! You ordered it...why don't you have the tracking number? Repeat, what about EX-WIFE do you not understand????
Now, in case you're wondering, this man, my ex-, will be 50 years old in a few weeks. A half a century of ineptitude. Where is Darwin when you need him?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Too True Tuesday
Once again, I missed my Monday blog due to illness. This time, mine. Yep, I've succumbed to the virus my family insisted upon sharing with me. Good thing they are "mostly" well, so I can stay home and rest.
I've been making coffin jokes...don't need a fancy one, or it'll only cost the price of a shovel to bury me, etc... Which brought to mind today's too true fact about me.
Do NOT bury me in socks!
I don't sleep in socks...so if I'm heading for eternal rest, don't put socks on my feet.
I've been making coffin jokes...don't need a fancy one, or it'll only cost the price of a shovel to bury me, etc... Which brought to mind today's too true fact about me.
Do NOT bury me in socks!
I don't sleep in socks...so if I'm heading for eternal rest, don't put socks on my feet.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Friday's Frantic Family Update
Remember last Friday, when I was soooo looking forward to Monday. This is one of those times when if I'd known what was in store for me, I'd have run away to Las Vegas for a week, or two.
Saturday, Ed took kidlets to the movies, everyone felt fine and dandy (well, except Drama Teen who still had lots of pain from her angio Seal/angiogram). Sunday, the first inkling that things weren't "right" began to rear their ugly head. Mr. Wonderful was dead tired. He's been fighting a cold for weeks and just never getting better. Then, on Monday, Kinderboy #2 had pink eye. I used Kinderboy#1's drops while I waited for his prescription. Kinderboy#2 also had a cough from the souls of his shoes, a headache, and an earache. By Tuesday, so did Drama Teen and Mr. Wonderful. A trip to urgent care set us up with all sort of medications. Kinderboy#2 started feeling better, even Drama Teen's eyes have finally started to clear up (we were late starting her drops because she's allergic to "everything" and needed to make sure her face wouldn't swell up if we used the boys drops. Ends up, that's all that was needed.
Wednesday night, I had my first oh-oh of symptoms. A cough that dug so deep I thought I'd spill my dinner. Woke up Thursday with a sore throat, ear ache, headache, congestion, etc. Just in time for everyone else to feel well...yippeee!
I'm blogging over at the Lyrical Press blog today about something...not sure what as it's still early yet. Perhaps I'll address the issue of how to write and meet deadlines when you feel like a zombie.
Saturday, Ed took kidlets to the movies, everyone felt fine and dandy (well, except Drama Teen who still had lots of pain from her angio Seal/angiogram). Sunday, the first inkling that things weren't "right" began to rear their ugly head. Mr. Wonderful was dead tired. He's been fighting a cold for weeks and just never getting better. Then, on Monday, Kinderboy #2 had pink eye. I used Kinderboy#1's drops while I waited for his prescription. Kinderboy#2 also had a cough from the souls of his shoes, a headache, and an earache. By Tuesday, so did Drama Teen and Mr. Wonderful. A trip to urgent care set us up with all sort of medications. Kinderboy#2 started feeling better, even Drama Teen's eyes have finally started to clear up (we were late starting her drops because she's allergic to "everything" and needed to make sure her face wouldn't swell up if we used the boys drops. Ends up, that's all that was needed.
Wednesday night, I had my first oh-oh of symptoms. A cough that dug so deep I thought I'd spill my dinner. Woke up Thursday with a sore throat, ear ache, headache, congestion, etc. Just in time for everyone else to feel well...yippeee!
I'm blogging over at the Lyrical Press blog today about something...not sure what as it's still early yet. Perhaps I'll address the issue of how to write and meet deadlines when you feel like a zombie.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Too True Tuesday
If you missed my post on Monday, there wasn't one. 3 out of 5 of our family members have pink eye, ear aches, sore throats, runny noses, and...and...and.... I'm one of the lucky ones who isn't sick, the other one is only 6 years old. Guess you don't have to wonder who's been dispensing medicine, tissues, and lots of love. I didn't get any writing done either...but that's okay because the book is FINISHED. Well, it's out with critique partners and put away for a month while I tackle a book in a month challenge at Cobblestone Press (can you say erotic big cat shifters???) Luckily, I can plot and be a mom simultaneously (sort of).
Essie, the accidental mommy, has thrown down the gauntlet for us to reveal to the world our compulsive/obsessive habits. The ones that enable society to exist and keep us from sliding into a horror even Stephen King couldn't contemplate (Dean Koontz, now, maybe he could envision my sort of horror -- read Relentless).
My obsession came along long before I was an author, but I didn't "own" it (i.e., I lived by myself and no one else noticed) until I was an author.
I check.my.inbox, um, constantly. Even when I'm writing, surfing the net, chasing spiders... my e-mail is open on my desktop. I've tried to turn it off when I write, but curiosity drives me to open it every one to five minutes. I found I spent more time typing in my virtually unbreakable password (which is near to impossible to type correctly the first time), every time I *had* to check my e-mail. So, it stays open so that I can see what has dropped into my inbox.
I'm also right on top of collecting phone messages & mail.
Now, the door? Someone else can answer that puppy, because I'll tell you, no editor/agent is going to come to my house, so I know whoever is standing on the steps is either Jehovah's Witness or for the kids.
So, do you have any obsessive/compulsive drive you'd like to share?
Essie, the accidental mommy, has thrown down the gauntlet for us to reveal to the world our compulsive/obsessive habits. The ones that enable society to exist and keep us from sliding into a horror even Stephen King couldn't contemplate (Dean Koontz, now, maybe he could envision my sort of horror -- read Relentless).
My obsession came along long before I was an author, but I didn't "own" it (i.e., I lived by myself and no one else noticed) until I was an author.
I check.my.inbox, um, constantly. Even when I'm writing, surfing the net, chasing spiders... my e-mail is open on my desktop. I've tried to turn it off when I write, but curiosity drives me to open it every one to five minutes. I found I spent more time typing in my virtually unbreakable password (which is near to impossible to type correctly the first time), every time I *had* to check my e-mail. So, it stays open so that I can see what has dropped into my inbox.
I'm also right on top of collecting phone messages & mail.
Now, the door? Someone else can answer that puppy, because I'll tell you, no editor/agent is going to come to my house, so I know whoever is standing on the steps is either Jehovah's Witness or for the kids.
So, do you have any obsessive/compulsive drive you'd like to share?
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