I feel like I'm just bursting at the seams.
First, I found two great reviews.
One is for
Tinsel Time, part of the 12 Days of Christmas at Cobblestone Press.
From Dark Divas Reviews ~
Tinsel Time
By Ericka Scott
What intrigued me at first had to be the cover, a snowy scene with a beautiful enchantress on the cover, and an angelic winter wonderland in the background. Then, one notices the blood splattered knife in the right hand corner. Trust me, this is no ordinary Christmas story. As it reads in the synopsis there is some thrill and chills to be had in this book. And the story doesn’t disappoint.
Four Delightful Divas
To read the entire review click
The other review was for
Fool's Gold, my most recent Cobblestone Press release.
Nymphs Rating: 4 Nymphs
Literary Nymphs Reviewer: Mystical Nymph
I love it when an author has the courage to make a hero or heroine physically imperfect, and in Fools Gold, Ms. Scott handles this sensitive subject very tastefully while at the same time showing that Rae has the same wants and desires as any woman. Just because Rae was injured and subsequently disabled, it doesn’t make her incapable of having a fulfilling romantic relationship or unattractive to members of the opposite sex. It just makes her different, and seeing Mica again is just what she needs to realize she’s still desirable. And boy, does this man want her…in any position and on any surface. He’s fantasized about her for years, so when they finally get together the only word adequate to describe them is sizzling.
You can read the entire review
And last but not least!

MOJAVE MOON is now available from
Dark Eden Press!